When I got to the exchange I realized my poor little cookies were kinda just eh. They weren't elaborate and only were made from 4 ingredients. I found out when I got there that there was a contest for Most Creative, Most Delish, and Best Presentation. Now way was I going to win any of those categories! I had no clue we were competing. My cookies were in tupperware, not a pretty plate like any of the others so there goes best presentation. Creative? No way, mine were plain! Most Delish, no to that too I thought. Mine were just basic cookies. Well, guess what? I was WRONG! My strawberry cookies won "Most Delish"! Surprised the crap out of me!
Since everyone seemed to like them I decided I will make cake mix cookies for Christmas to hand out. I will make different combos, not just pink with white frosting. Can't wait to see how my new creations will turn out! I found a winner!
That's awesome! I like how you made them in to sandwiches too!
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