I started off at Walgreen's and bought 2 Dove hair products each for $4. I had 2 $1.50 off coupons which made the product $2.50 each. On top of that you get $4 register rewards (RR) for each Dove product (each on a separate transaction). So I paid $5.70 (w/tax) for the shampoo & conditioner then got $8 in (RR)!! I made off nicely with that one! That was in 2 transactions in order to get the $4 RR for each hair care product.
In transaction #2 I ended up buying 4 Arrid deodorants with a Walgreen's coupon for $.99 each, a $4 pack of toilet paper, and Mist chewing gum for $.99 (w/coupon) and used my $8 in RR. All that was practically free..... $.95!

With no coupons or RR I would have paid $29.53
Instead I paid $6.60 total (w/tax) using coupons and RR!
My second stop was CVS where I bought 2 Oral B tooth brushes which I had a BOGO coupon for. The tooth brushes were $2.99 each but came with a $2 RR. I paid $3.95 for the two toothbrushes and got $2 in RR. That was transaction #1.
In transaction #2 I bought two Vive hair care products which were 2/$5. I had two $1 off coupons for those products. That came out to $3 for the two and I used my $2 in register rewards. With tax I ended up paying $1.44 for the shampoo and conditioner!!

So I would have paid $11.94 for the 4 items but with my BOGO, the two $1 coupons, and the $2 in RR I ended up paying $4.95.
I have found that with some thought these RR work awesome! Match up the coupons you already have for the RR products and you can make out quite nicely!